15mm Pre-Paint Update

The first batches of 15mm pre-paints are done (well, “OK” technically the full batch of tanks is not finished, but close enough).

Both batches came out about like I expected; reasonable looking ‘fast’ paint jobs. The models may have a few minor defects (very normal for Bloodaxe models), but nothing horrendous. Sure, these could be painted better than they are, but then we’d have to charge more; and these are simple models to boot. The goal was to produce simple and inexpensive vehicle models AND to do it in the USA. I know for sure that I could produce better models at a cheaper price, but to do so I would have to have the models produced in China and in much larger quantities. Anyhow, from our end, I do believe that we hit our goal.

Now on to a few pictures; the first picture is a ‘just’ finished batch of T-34 tanks. The photo shows a group of models that just finished up the soldering step. Not a great photo, but it shows a batch of models ready for the next step (final cleaning and priming).

finished soldering

The next photo is a group shot showing trucks and tanks.

tanks and trucks

The last photo is an overhead shot of a T-34 and a Russian truck.

T-34 and Truck

All of the photos are just simple workbench shots, not studio shots, so they are a little rough, but show what needs to be shown.

The prices for these pre-painted 15mm models come in at: $8.00 for the T-34 and $6.00 for the Russian truck – no part numbers for these just yet, so just order by name. For shipping purposes there are 4 T-34s or 10 trucks to the pound.

Not sure which models we will do next, but be sure to check back for further pre-paint updates.

Should you be attending Rock-Con, we will have these pre-painted models on display and available for purchase at the convention.

Pre-Paints Update

Before heading out for the week, I tried to get in at least a few minutes on several of the projects I have going. One of these projects is the pre-paints. I was able to cast a few of the Russian trucks on Sunday morning while finishing up a few other little projects.

To get back to the pre-paints subject; While spinning the molds, I took a few minutes to clean up a handful of truck castings. The clean up was very minor (spin the sprue, pluck a couple of spider vents, file the nubs left behind, and done). This followed by a quick washing to remove any remaining powder residue and I was set to prime. This time around, I tried the black primer from the local Farm and Fleet store (under $2.50 per can); I figured it was worth a try, and well so far t looks like this will work just fine for this type of project. The primer was baked dry (baked might be too strong, but heat cured for sure). Later on Sunday night, I had a chance to apply the first base coat. This went on fast and easy. This was a key point in the process. Why? The undercarriage of the truck is a tricky spot. Here I need to determine how much work we will put into the undercarriage. Well, I tried to keep it simple…

The only way to keep things simple (thus fast) is to leave the undercarriage black (I’ll circle back and apply the black base coat over the black primer, but for now, we will leave in just primer). So, the priming and the base coat are now done. Next will be some back lining and a clean up of the overall color. The one remaining piece are the windshield and the two side windows. I’ve not yet come up with the colour I want to use here (if you happen to have a suggestion, let us know). Anyhow, in the end, I think these will go quickly, and that we can target a price around the $6 mark for the trucks.

When I get home, I’ll finish up the first batch of truck and and likely start on a second batch to try the streamlined process. So, pictures and an update next week.

Bloodaxe Miniatures…

It has been well over a year (could it be two years) since we have released any figures under the Bloodaxe brand. Before our move, I nearly had the first sets for the revised WWI figures ready for release, but these got pushed for the move and simply sat in the basement awaiting an open slot in mold making. Meanwhile the Japanese figures for the Russo-Japanese War jumped ahead, only to have the release delayed (molds have been done for better than a year now)…

Well, I’ll just skip over all the delaying factors and fast-forward to the present. Yesterday I completed the first batch of WWI Russians (Infantry, Dismounted Cavalry, Cavalry, maxim gun, and artillery (gun and crew)) More Russians (in fur cap) will ready in a week or two. These will be followed by the Germans (still a bit of work to do on these).

So, now listed on the Bloodaxe Miniatures website – http://www.bloodaxeminiatures.com are the 15mm releases for WWI Russians and 1904 Japanese. You might also notice that the prices are a wee bit lower (than the WWII figures). We are in the process of reevaluating the pricing for all of the Bloodaxe Miniatures ranges, so be sure to look for new, and lower prices.

I’m inking figures and will post some photos in a day or two (might just be some workbench shots initially).

Should anyone be interested in painting up some samples, please drop is a line and we can discuss the possibilities.