French & Indian War Terrain Sets

This past Sunday was one of our resin casting days (something we do two or three times a year). When I was done I realized that I’ve not yet posted a listing of the various terrain items we produce. As a follow-up to my previous post and without further delay…

HistoriFigs Presents: French & Indian War Terrain Sets

Models are scaled for use with 10mm to 12mm figures (N-Gauge).
All Models are supplied unpainted (unless otherwise specified, see product description).


The design of our cabins has been based on several sources; ranging from photos of the small shack at Fort Necessity to the cabins built nearly a hundred years later at Fort Edmonton. They are crude structures by our own modern standards; with low doorways, thick rough walls, and little finish work.

NT – 05 Cabin Set includes 5 long wall sections, 5 small wall sections, 2 long roof sections, and one short roof section. The roofs can be removed or glued on as desired.

Priced at $8.00

The cabins pictured below have been created using two ‘sets’ to show the 3 sizes of building possible.

Rustic Cabins

Fort Necessity:

Several sources were consulted during the design of our Fort Necessity model; in an attempt to make the terrain as historically accurate as possible – the only liberties taken were with the grass roof (the actual Fort used leather hides stretched over the top) and the two firesteps (it seems more likely that they would have just fired through the gaps in the palisade).

The fort itself was a small shack with a 50 foot palisade surrounding it – as this set is sized for 10-12mm miniatures (N-Gauge) it just happens to fit on a standard music CD sized base.

NT – 08 Basic Fort Set includes 6 palisade wall sections, 2 firestep sections, 1 gate section, 1 gate, 5 small cabin wall sections, 1 small ‘sod’ roof.

Priced at $9.00

Washington had his men dig a small earthen wall – which when added creates our NT – 09 Deluxe Fort Set which adds an Earthen Wall Set consisting of 16 straight sections and 12 45 degree corner sections. Priced at $19.00

Fort Necessity

NT – 06 Palisade Set includes 6 palisade walls, 2 firestep walls and 1 gate section.

Priced at$ 6.00

NT – 07 Earthen Walls Set includes 16 straight sections and 12 45 degree corner sections. Priced at $10.00

NT – 10 Mudhole or dried up pond makes a nice addition to your game table. Use for that ‘different’ bit of terrain.

Priced at $16.00

mud hole

NT – 04 Gabbion Set includes 2 ‘L’ sections and 1 straight section.

Priced at $2.25 unpainted or $5.25 painted


NT – 01 European Tent Set includes 3 tents per set; have been the home of soldiers for hundreds of years.

Priced at $2.00 unpainted or $5.00 painted

European Tents

NT – 02 Teepee Set packaged 2 teepees per set.

Priced at $3.00 unpainted or $5.00 painted


NT – 03 Wigwam Set includes 1 large and 3 small wigwams; domed single-room dwelling used by many Native American tribes.

Priced at $5.00 unpainted or $9.00 painted.

Wigwam Set

Combine with the Palisade Set (NT – 06) to create your own Iroquois village.


Painted Models Note: If painted models are not in stock (we stock limited quantities of painted models) there will be a shipping delay of up to one week.

Our next two topics will be:

  • Scruby Fantasy Miniatures
  • Toe-to-Toe Nu’klr Combat with the Rooskies

Until next time…

Tents, Teepees and Wigwams

Today, I’ll share some pictures of a few items from our small line of 10mm French & Indian War terrain pieces. We will have these items available at Little Wars.

European Tents (set of 3)
European Tents, set of 3 (NT-01 $2.00)

Teepee, set of 2 (NT-02 $3.00 unpainted $5.00 painted)

Wigwams, set of 4
Wigwam, set of 4 (NT-03 $5.00 unpainted $9.00 painted)

Wigwams and Teepees are available painted and unpainted. We may add a pre-painted option for tents too – they just look kinda funny when panted, but not based…

Look for more on our 10mm French & Indian War terrain in the near future.

Early War Germans II

Way back in August we posted the first pictures of our new Resistant Roosters Early War Germans with a promise to post more pictures once the second batch was in…

Processing the second batch took longer than planned, so pictures have been delayed until now. Once again Randy F. took brush in hand to paint up a set of samples for us. Here now is a peek at our new figures (early war Germans in helmet) as painted by Randy:

Early War Germans Early War Germans

Early War Germans Early War Germans

I’m finishing up the production molds and will have the first sets available at Rock-Con next week.

Our new figure development process will allow for lower pricing on these (and future) new platoon packs. Check back next week for final pricing on the new Early War German Platoon packs.

Those of you interested in such things as product budgeting and such migth be interested to know that this was our first project with a real budget. Not was it our first with a budget, it was our first to come in on budget! Inital numbers were showing us over budget by $5 to $10, but a second look shows that we brought this one in on (perhaps even a little under) budget…

Product Shuffle

First, I know, last time I said next up would be part two of the Classic 20mm series. Well, part two isn’t quite ready yet; a few more pictures and a scan or two and I should be done. Look for part two on Friday, or safer yet right after the Labor Day holiday.

We’ve recently shuffled some of our product. Since the Bloodaxe Miniatures brand is primarily billed as being budget priced 15mm miniatures we thought it best to move a couple of our 15mm offerings over to the Bloodaxe Miniatures brand.

The first of the ranges to move was our small range of 15mm livestock. Nothing fancy here, just a cow, a dog, a goat and a pig. The dog and pig are the same as those included in our 15mm Hawaiian army packs. The cow and goat are some of my first attempts at sculpting (late 70’s early 80’s).

The second range to make the move is the 15mm American Civil War. These have more or less remained hidden or perhaps more correctly lost on the HistoriFigs site. These figures are the creation of Chris Munro. They are some of his early work (I don’t have an exact time frame, but I’d estimate early to mid 80’s). I’m working on an artillery piece or two for the range, at which point the range will include most of the basic figures one would need for some ACW war gaming.

I still need to add pictures (livestock & ACW) to the Bloodaxe Miniatures website; look for pictures early to middle of next week.

That about wraps things up for the product shuffle. There have been several more updates to the HistoriFigs website, so be sure to pop over to see what is new and improved (well, at least new).

Early War Germans…

For the past few months we’ve been working on some new releases for the Resistant Roosters line. The first greens arrived in June and the latest batch arrived last week.

A pattern mold has been created for the first batch and we are in the process of laying out production molds. Early next week a pattern mold will be created for the second batch, with production molds to be created in short order.

Early war is my area of interest, as such you can expect to see more early war offerings in the future. The idea behind this set was to create a flexible, yet less expensive (to produce) set of figures. From our perspective we hit our goals. Production costs are in line with our expectations (given current figure pricing) and there is enough variety in the set to allow for stands without duplicate figures (or at least minimal duplication on a single stand).

Early War Germans

This first part of the set depicts Early War Germans in field cap. Today’s pictures show painted examples of German troops in field cap. Figures in the second batch of greens represent Early War Germans in helmet.

Early War Germans

Our sample figures were painted by Randy F. who had this to say about the castings he received:

The figures were easy to paint.
The details are well defined and easy to reach.
They also have enough character to make them interesting.
I like the way the figures model a unit moving across a field.

Early War Germans

Our initial release will consist of three (3) platoon packs:

  • Grenadier/Panzergrenadier Rifle Platoon in Field Cap
  • Grenadier/Panzergrenadier Rifle Platoon in Helmet
  • Grenadier/Panzergrenadier Rifle Platoon mixed field cap & helmet

We are still working out details for further expansion of Early War Germans. Our initial thoughts were post Poland organization, thus the lack of a light mortar section; however, we may revisit this and add a light mortar team as an option in a larger Company Box offering.

Molds and casting should be complete in early September – look for a release announcement around the 7th.

As for our next Resistant Roosters release, we are looking at Soviets circa 1939 – think Winter War…

Coming up next time, a look at our recently remolded 54mm Scruby Soldiers of the American Civil War.