Around the Web

Today, I’d like to direct your attention to a post on Bob Cordery’s WARGAMING MISCELLANY site. On Sunday 16 February Bob posted a play test report: Attack on MacDonald’s Farm. The topic initially caught my attention for two reasons: 1) a gridded war game and 2) the rules were by Ross Macfarlane; his 20th Century Square Brigadier rules. A rules set that caught my eye just a little while back.

Wargame Miscellany


Bob’s blog is one that I read on a fairly regular basis. He often has many interesting ideas and stories to tell. If you have never visited his blog site, be sure to do so as I do believe that you too will find it to of interest.


While out visiting you should also be sure to visit Ross Macfarlane’s Battle Game of the Month blog site.

Battle Game of the Month

I always finds the site to be informative and entertaining. I find much war game inspiration in the photos and write-ups on this site, and I think many of you will too. And besides, how can one resist a blog with such a cool header image?

Be sure to pay Bob and Ross a visit, you won’t be sorry.


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