Kamehameha Updated…

Oops! I missed getting in an update yesterday. Guess I was too busy in the shop or something…

Anyhow, I will be updating again tonight, there should be a new picture at that time, and tomorrow, we should have the first pictures of the new figures…

So, in the meantime if you have a guess at what the new figures are, send an email message to: contests@historifigs.com and tell us what you think the new figures are (theme and scale). The first three (3) correct answers will receive a “free” package of the new release. This offer expires once I post pictures of the new figures.

If you don’t make a guess, or win this time, don’t worry there are plenty more prizes to win between now and the 11th.

The Hula dancer pictured in our last posting is more then just a picture/hint. It too is a new release in the 54mm line (part number 54-Hula). The figures are priced at $5.50 each (unpainted) or $15.50 each (painted – allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery of painted figures).

I am in the process of re-mastering one more 54mm to go along with the current theme – I hope to have by tonight, but it might be tomorrow before the pictures can be taken (need to finish the work before I can photograph it). OK, if you can guess what this 54mm figures, send me (mike@historifigs.com) an email message with your guess – the first two (2) correct guesses will win a production version of the figure. Offer expires, once we announce or post pictures of the figure.