Civil War Bug!

For some reason, I’ve caught the Civil War bug! American Civil War that is…

I can’t really figure out why I’m suddenly hooked on ACW war games, but I am. I have a few projects in progress and have ideas for another one or two.

The two figure scales I am working with are N-Gauge and 40mm. N-gauge are getting new production molds (and are on sale this month). The 40mm molds have been done for a while (but I might add a couple more, just to make production easier) and are on sale this month as well…

Ross Macfarlane pointed out that the website did not have the full listing of 40mm ACW figures, so I’ve fixed that and I’ll post the 40mm figure listing at the end of this post.

My 40mm project is a rather simple one – individually based figures and I’ll be using a The Sword and the Flame like set of rules. Still need to fully define the rules, but I’m getting there.

The N-gauge project is still taking shape, but I want to do big battles, so I’m looking at a figure ratio of 1:33 or maybe 1:50. Units will be 2 or 3 stands (depends on which ratio I go with). The game rules will be “old School” in nature, maybe I’ll borrow bits from Scruby’s Fire and Charge as well as Zocchi’s Hard Tack. At least that’s what I’m looking at doing right now, things may change…

I do have a couple more ACW themed projects in mind (neither is started just yet). One is nothing but new figures. I have no game plans for the figures, just some new figures. The other project is both figures and a game – new rules and new figures. Think Action; think Heroes, or at least heroic deeds.

I’ll be sure to chronicle my progress on the Table Top Talk website, so give me a few weeks and check in to see how the projects are going…

40T-59 - Kepi, Attacking with bayonet

40mm Soldiers of the American Civil War

Infantry in Kepi, Full Field Packs
40T-58 Standing, Firing
40T-59 Attacking with Bayonet
40T-62 Marching at the Slope *
40T-63 with Blanket Roll, Marching *
40T-66 with Blanket Roll, Advancing at Full Port *
40T-102 On Guard *

Infantry in Slouch Hat, Full Field Packs
40T-60 Standing, Firing
40T-61 Attacking with Bayonet
40T-64 Marching at the Slope *
40T-65 with Blanket Roll, Marching *
40T-67 Advancing at High Port *
40T-103 On Guard *

Officers and Artillerymen
40T-69 Officer, Kepi, Frock Coat, pointing
40T-70 Officer, Kepi, Frock Coat, Firing Pistol
40T-68 Artilleryman, in Kepi, standing
40T-76 Artilleryman, in Slouch Hat, standing

Cavalry (Rider with separate walking horse)
40TC-71 Cavalryman in Kepi **
40TC-73 Cavalryman in Slouch Hat **
40TC-72 Cavalryman in Kepi, firing carbine from saddle **

Cavalry (Rider cast on galloping horse)
40TC-74 Rider in Slouch Hat, attacking ***
40TC-75 Rider in Kepi, attacking ***

Figures marked with * require some assembly – includes a separate arm or rifle
Figures marked with ** require some assembly – includes a separate arm (pistol and rifle)
Figures marked with ** require some assembly – includes a separate arm (saber, pistol and rifle)