Operation Hoof Mold…

OK, so it was a silly title – but it does sound more interesting than: 30mm Napoleonic Cavalry…

I’ve been fighting the 30mm Napoleonic cavalry molds for a good 4 years now, and I’ve finally decided it was time to correct the situation!

I’ve decided to replace all of the molds used for the casting of 30mm Napoleonic cavalry. This won’t be a small project, but it needs to be done, so we will be biting the bit, and getting it done.

A quick look tells us that there are 45 catalog entries for 30mm Napoleonic cavalry. We do know that some of these are duplicate catalog numbers or that multiple casting numbers are really the same figure (never could figure out Jacks method for numbering his models), so our actual count of individual models will be something less than 45. In addition to the models listed in the current figure listings, there is some number of unlisted models – I’ll work to add as many of these unlisted models to the production molds as I can…

We’ll do our part – making new molds, so we can supply you with higher quality castings in a more time efficient manner. Now, here is where you can help: To (help) finance this project we will be offering ALL 30mm Napoleonic Cavalry castings at a special ‘pre-order’ discount price of $2.50 each – that is a discount of $1.25 (based on current pricing for 30mm Cavalry castings). Discount price will remain in effect until all currently listed castings have been remolded

Note: Should it be determined that a specific casting cannot be remolded the casting will be removed from production until such time that it can be remolded. This removal will also remove the casting from the pre-order listing (refunds will be issued as required).

We will ship the pre-orders as quickly as we can, but you should allow at least 2 weeks for mold making and production.

Presented below is a listing of the currently offered 30mm Napoleonic cavalry castings. Should you wish to pre-order any of these castings drop us a line (sales@historifigs.com) and let us know. Pre-ordered castings will receive priority in the re-molding process…

30mm Napoleonic Cavalry:

1216C Austrian, Cuirassier
1217C Austrian, Hussar
1215C Austrian, Light Horse/Dragoon
1072C Austrian, Uhlan
1167C Bavarian, Light Horse Cavalryman
1132C British, Heavy Dragoon, attacking
1131C British, Hussar attacking
1133C British, Life Guard, attacking
1134C British, Light Dragoon, 1806 helmet & uniform
1129C British, Light Dragoon, shako, 1812 uniform
1130C British, Royal Scots Greys, attacking
1425C Brunswick, Hussar Cavalry, drawn sword
1079C French, Cuirassier, attacking
1076C French, Dragoon, in reserve
1080C French, Guard Chasseur a Cheval, attacking
1075C French, Guard Lt. Horse Scout Lancer, attacking
1069C French, Horse Grenadier, attacking
1070C French, Hussar, 1810 shako, attacking
1071C French, Hussar, 1815 shako, attacking
1074C French, Light Horse Scout Lancer, helmet
1078C French, Line Carabinier, attacking
1068C French, Line Chasseur a Cheval, attacking
1077C French, Mamaluke, attacking
1073C Polish Lancer, lance couched, attacking
1072C Polish Lancer, lance erect
1457C Polish, Chasseur a Cheval Cavalry, Elite Co.
1458C Polish, Chasseur a Cheval Cavalry, Line Co.
1459C Polish, Cracow Lancer, lance erect
1486C Portugal, Dragoon Cavalry, attacking
1325C Prussian, Cuirassier, attacking
1327C Prussian, Dragoon, with lance (Landwehr also)
1326C Prussian, Dragoon, with sword
1328C Prussian, Hussar, attacking
1072C Prussian, Lancer
1261C Russian, Cossack
1260C Russian, Cuirassier
1259C Russian, Dragoon, attacking
1258C Russian, Hussar, attacking
1072C Russian, Lancer
1262C Russian, Mounted Yeger (Light Horse)
1474C Spanish, Hussar Cavalryman
1282C Swedish, Dragoon Cavalry, attacking
1284C Swedish, Hussar Cavalry, drawn sword
1283C Swedish, Life Guard Cavalry, drawn sword
1415C Wurttemberg, Light Horse Cavalry, attacking

An additional part of this project is to paint and photograph each model. If you would like to be involved in this part of the project email me (mike@historifigs.com) and we can discuss the requirements, etc.