Operation Hoof Mold Part Two

We have been busy with our 30mm Cavalry remold project and have a status updated for you.

  • First, the list of figures has been updated to include a few I left off the last list.
  • Next, I’ve updated the list to show which figures have been re-molded (The project actually got a start before we committed to a full re-mold of All Cavalry figures).
  • Lastly, I’ve started to record the type of casting each of these figures is. By type I mean one or two piece castings (it is possible that some will be three pieces, these would be older, and now reintroduced castings).

Since Google has this nifty way of publishing spreadsheets, I thought we would give it a try and see how it works – to see an updated listing (a work in progress) check the following link:


The rows shaded in blue indicated which figures have been remolded.

Additionally, we have done a quick, simple calculation to determine when we have sold enough figures to ‘break even’ on this project. Taking the whole project into consideration, we have determined that if we sell 24 of each casting we will break even.
Not too bad, I’d say. What better time to add a squadron or two to you favorite Napoleonic army!