Internet Problems, yet again…

Once more we descend into the depths of internet connectivity issues.

Being away from the more civilized parts of the world our only options for internet are dial-up and satellite. We all know that dial-up is slow along with various other little annoying problems. We use one of the satellite providers and have gotten used to the typical problems of lack of connectivity during storms (or really cloudy days)…

Hardware is the other common issue with satellite connections, and we have once again been bitten by the hardware bug!

So, to make this already longish story shorter: While we are sorting out hardware issues (as well as looking at other providers) we are in a state of limited (to no) internet access at home. We hope to get things cleared up quickly, but if things go like the last time we could be looking at a week, or more. In the meantime, I’ll be able to catch up (on email and other internet related ‘stuff’) during the day (between 8am and 3:30pm CST weekdays).