
Computer problems should now be solved. Was luck in that I could fix the problem – give me a soldering iron and look out…

In other news, a grand experiment in saving a few bucks didn’t payoff as well as I would have like it to. I was trying a different rubber formulation for mold making and well the properties of this formulation don’t lend themselves to the techniques I’ve been using for 25mm and larger figures. The good news is that I didn’t really waste the money spent, as I can use the mold blanks for many of the Bloodaxe 15mm figures I have in the queue.

Speaking of Bloodaxe 15mm figures; We will finally release the 15mm Russo-Japanese War (Japanese) figures this month (early next week) along with the first of the 15mm WWI Russians (can be used for 1904 Russians). The Japanese are done (have been for better than a year now). The first Russians are done (cavalry tonight). The first batch is wearing the summer uniform (Russians in fur cap should release by the end of the month). We will have infantry, cavalry (mounted and dismounted) and artillery.

Next in news is that we placed an order for more metal. Good news is that with a little work I was able to get a very good deal on the metal (some shared buying as well as some pre-selling of casting services). In fact I saved better than $1.50 per pound. Al this means that prices will not be going up any time soon (at least not across the board, there may be a few cases where we simply got it wrong last time, so there may be a few adjustments to our posted prices).

Things have suddenly gotten a bit busy here at HistoriFigs HQ – a couple of special projects are underway. Can’t say much about either of them right now, but if you hear us mention or talk about things like “Operation Cloudburst” or “The Red Coats are Coming” you will know that we are talking about these special projects…