End of the month…

August is winding down and it is time for another update. Several projects have been helping to keep things hopping around here. One of the projects we have been referring to as “The Redcoats are coming” has been shelved. I won’t go into details, but other developments have made this project impractical. I suspect that a small portion of the project will be revisited, but in an entirely different form, so for now we will leave this one to rest in peace.

The other project we mentioned recently is code named “Operation Cloudburst” – We are not quite to the point where we can disclose any details, but lets just say that this one is very exciting.

The last project currently keeping us very busy is perhaps our oldest project. Oldest in that it was the first project we planned to launch when we started producing figures. This one has changed a number of times, and has finally settled into its groove. My recent photos have not come out very well, so we will be re-doing those and will unveil the full project in a few days. In the meantime start thinking along the lines of 40mm and the American War of Independence – These are all new figures, especially crafted for HistoriFigs – If you are a fan of AWI gaming (or figure collecting) you will want to get your hands on these new figures!