My, how time flies…

Or maybe more appropriate, given our recent weather patterns “time’s fun when you are having flies”…

Either way, the month of September has simply flown by! We have been doing a lot, yet not doing much. How can that be? Well, let’s just say that the shop has been busy and that orders are again flowing out the door in short order, but we haven’t yet pushed out our new initiatives. So while we are busy, we are not making as much progress on some projects as we would have liked.

As for order processing; Alison is back to full time in the workshop, and has been casting nearly everyday this week, so orders are again moving through the system in a timely manner. We do have a few issues to iron out – like our internet connection. With the new hardware, we thought things were all taken care of. Well, we were wrong in our thinking. We have been fighting with a very (very) slow connection. Lets just say that those of you with slow dial-up connections have better speed than we do with our high speed connection (ok, satellite isn’t super fast, but lets just say that we are seeing speeds that are about 97% slower than they should be!) If all goes well, things will get fixed today.

As for other projects; how about Operation Cloudburst?
OK, well, we can now tell you more about this one…

We are pleased to announce that HistoriFigs has acquired the Resistant Roosters brand and line of 15mm WWII figures. We are working on a larger announcement for early October – so more details then. But in the meantime let’s just say that we already have some new products in the works. We will continue to expand the line and hope to provide some additional support materials for several of the currently popular WWII rules sets.

Finnish Infantry

On the 40mm front – as hinted at last time there are some NEW 40mm figures in the pipeline. These new 40mm figures have been sculpted by Tony Aldrich – the subject being the American War of Independence. Our first offerings will be American Infantry circa Yorktown. These will be followed by their British opponents. The greens have been on the bench for a few weeks, but with a trip out west and the Labor Day holiday, I’ve waited to start on these until this weekend. I’ll be posting photos of the project as it progresses – greens and perhaps a photo article about the production process while I’m at it. (Maybe I can talk Tony into some in progress photos and notes when he starts the next sets) – look for some photos of the greens and first metal castings next week.

While on the subject of 40mm figures – I’ve put in some work on the next Scruby 40mm figures to be re-released. It looks like we will do the 40mm French Foreign Legion figures next – the patterns are just about completed, so perhaps I can get some of these out by mid-October. The other figures I’ve been working with are the British Colonials, so I hope to have those ready by Halloween. As soon as I finish the new Resistant Roosters section for the website, I’ll start on the Scruby 40mm section. We will have photos of every Scruby 40mm figure we re-release as well as some support materials for painting and war gaming.

So, as you can see (or have read) we have been quite busy, yet we still have plenty that is incomplete…

New specials coming in October – there will be special pricing on ALL Resistant Roosters product as well as introductory pricing on the all new 40mm American War of Independence figures.

I’ll be in the Boston area (for work) the first week in October (1st through the 4th) and I most likely will not have internet access (or maybe just some limited), so email response that week will be rather slow. If any of you are near or in Boston (I’m staying in Newton), and want to meet up for a chat, coffee, dinner, or some such drop me a line and perhaps we can arrange something (Monday looks to be my best night, but I’ll should be free by late afternoon most days). Anyhow, drop me a line if you’d like to meet.