Quick Resistant Roosters Update…

Just thought that I would let you know that I’ve finished an interim web page to support the Resistant Roosters line of figures…

The page can be found at:

The page(s) do not match the remainder of the HistoriFigs website, but they are pretty much self contained, so that shouldn’t bee too much of an issue.

All current products have been listed (a few name changes are in place) and the SKU numbers have been updated to our new numbering scheme. All pricing remains as it has been, but we are reviewing the price structure and will be making a few adjustments (a bit of up and a bit of down, but nothing drastic)

There should be pictures for most packs/sets. The ones we have are from the old Resistant Roosters site and they will be replaced/updated as we define standards and take new photos.

Look for more news in the second week in October.