The Official Announcement…

HistoriFigs and Resistant Roosters are pleased to announce that we have completed an agreement whereby HistoriFigs has acquired the Resistant Roosters brand and line of WWII 15mm miniatures…

Finnish Infantry

This is a very exciting time for all of us (Alison, Mike & Liam) here at HistoriFigs; having worked with the Resistant Roosters crew for the past few years we have seen the efforts and dedication required to bring this fine line of figures into the market. We have been supportive of the brand and its goals and are proud to take our turn at the helm.

And now a few words from the founders of Resistant Roosters:

Resistant Roosters was started in order to create an attractive alternative for the ever popular WWII 15mm miniature hobby. The group that started this adventure could fully understand the opportunity to offer gamers with different miniatures that people could put on their tabletop, side by side with the ever peculiar figures that had been flooding the market for a few years now.

Resistant Roosters has always tried to make things interesting, bringing something that could appeal to gamers looking for something different. Our objectives have been achieved. We reached a point where the original team had to seriously consider the future of the brand. What more investments would be needed, in terms of resources, time and approach to the market? While some very interesting ideas have been floated around, a more sensible approach was to admit that our long time partner HistoriFigs would be best placed to bring Resistant Roosters to the next level, and give the boost that will greatly benefit the hobby and the brand: more exciting products, new ranges, better flexibility and very clever ideas. Expect some exciting news from Resistant Roosters products very soon! It only gets better!”

We have already been hard at work devising plans for the Resistant Roosters brand. These plans include more ‘brand new’ figures as well as expansions and reconfigurations for the existing sets. Other projects in the works include additional support material for both the figures and current popular rules sets; so you can look forward to material such as painting guides and army lists.

As much as we have clear plans to move forward, we definitely would like to hear your thoughts on the types of figures and products we should produce. The more feedback we get the better shot we have at producing the figures you want.

Be sure to watch for news of upcoming releases. Full Resistant Roosters product listings can be found on our website (in the Resistant Roosters section)