Rock-Con Update

Well, Rock-Con is less than two weeks away, and I am nowhere near ready yet! In fact, I suspect that I’ll be up late the on Friday (2 Nov) finishing up some figures for the Saturday morning game (don’t tell Randy Frye).

We still have some time to round up product to bring, so if there are some figures you want to see, drop us a line and we will do our best to bring at least some samples.

As for things that we will have for sale at the conventions, here is a short list of some items we will have on hand:

  • Resistant Roosters packs (special prices for Rock-Con too)
  • 15mm pre-paints (t-34s and Russian Trucks, maybe a few others too)
  • Green Stuff
  • ProCreate
  • The Sword and the Flame 20 Anniversary edition (new stock just in)
  • Batailles de l’Ancien Régime (BAR – Bill Protz)
  • All About Wargames (Jack Scruby)
  • 15mm Hawaiians
  • 15mm Farm animals
  • 28mm AWI (HistoriFigs)
  • 40mm AWI Previews
  • 40mm Scruby ACW and War of 1812 and Boxer Rebellion (Chinese)
  • Various N-gauge selections
  • Several bulk bins including: Horses, Camels, Bloodaxe WWII

Plus more…

Additionally, we will hold a daily drawing for “free” stuff – every purchase of at least $5 will gain you an entry for each daily drawing…

Hope to see you at Rock-Con