Rock-Con Wrap up

Back for my weekend at Rock-Con. I had forgotten just how much work conventions can be (we’ve not attended a convention, as a dealer since our move to Wisconsin). Needless to say I was very tired at the end of the day!

I didn’t get much of a chance to checkout the games, but I still had a good time. I met plenty of new people and was able to catch up with friends.

One of the things we took to the convention was a sampling of Scruby figures in various scales. Many gamers have never seen the Scruby figures; as such I’ve decided to build a smallish and somewhat permanent display case for the classic figures (think of it has a mini Scruby museum). I’ll be taking this display to all future conventions/shows – if you are interested in having some input of this project, please feel free to send you thoughts and ideas in – I have some ideas, but I’m sure that I will forget something!

I tried to take a wide variety of products to display and sell. Our product mix included:

  • Resistant Roosters (15mm WWII)
  • Blasted Planets (25mm Sci-fi)
  • Ghastly & Company (28mm Roman Zombies)
  • Bloodaxe Miniatures (Hawaiians, RJW, WWI and WWII – 15mm)
  • 15mm Pre-painted (our first models: Russian Truck and T34/76)
  • Z-10 (our 10mm Zombies)
  • Misc. Scruby figures (a small selection of 25mm and 30mm Napoleonics)
  • Rules (TSATF, and several other rules sets by Larry Brom as well as BAR: Batailles de l’Ancien Régime by Bill Protz)
  • And more…

Some of the items we had on display were some new N-Gauge terrain pieces created by Jay Miller. The pieces include: European Tents, Teepees, Wigwams, For Necessity, Log Cabins and Gabions. This was the first time we had shown these pieces to anyone – we’ve had the molds in hand for some time now, but just had not had the time to cast anything until last week. The pieces were well received. It seems that folks liked the tents in particular; it seems that15mm WWII gamers like them enough to use them as one man tents. More news about these new products as soon as I nail down some proper pricing – later this week, if my schedule holds…

Without applying numbers (or dollar values) the most popular items (in no particular order) at our booth were:

  • Bloodaxe 15mm WWI & WWII
  • HistoriFigs 28mm AWI
  • War Game rules
  • Resistant Roosters

The interest in the WWI figures was a pleasant surprise. At the last minute, I asked Alison to run the molds for hour or so (stock was limited, and I though that we should have a few more figures on hand). So, as it turned out this was a very good idea. We sold more of these figures than I expected – looks like Russian Civil War is a popular theme and the Russian figures work nicely for this.

When all is said, I had fun at Rock-Con and am looking forward to next year.