Resistant Roosters – USMC Update

Today’s Resistant Roosters update is to let you know that we are working on the formulation for an additional USMC Pack offering…


I’ve been sketching out a pack formulation for a new USMC Company Pack.

The company will be based on the ‘E’ series, 1943 Marine Battalion Companies, which would have looked something like this:

USMC ‘E’ Series Rifle Company:

  • Company HQ (2 Officers, 26 men)
    Weapons Platoon comprised of;

  • Platoon HQ (1 Officer, 3 men)
  • Mortar Section (16 men)
  • Machine Gun Section (19 men)
    Three Rifle Platoons, each comprised of;

  • Platoon HQ (1 Officer, 6 men)
  • Three Rifle Squads, each comprised of 12 men

I’m still working on a proper configuration for a proper product offering, but I should be getting close.

Should you have any thoughts or ideas on this topic, please feel free to pass them along. I’m far from an expert on the subject, as such I welcome your input.