A Slow Week & a Thanksgiving Special

It has been a slow week here at HistoriFigs HQ. Not that there hasn’t been anything going on, just not a lot of excitement…

I decided that this would be a good week to slow down and take a look at all of the projects in the hopper (and there are a lot of projects in the works). As such things are a bit quite. Orders are being processed; a few website updates and mostly a bit of internal review…

Of late there has been a lot of activity in and around the Bloodaxe line of miniatures. Several website updates (with more to come), new releases working their way through the system, and a nice resurgence of interest in the line. To date we have been pleased with the response to the recent Russo-Japanese War and World War One releases. Next week, we will balance out the WWI offerings when we release the Germans.

This weekend, I plan to continue work on a few projects related to the Resistant Roosters line of figures, so look for some news early next week concerning a few pack reorganizations and a few additional offerings relating to existing figures.

Another project in the works is that we will be adding an online ordering system for each of our lines of miniatures. I’ve been working on a PayPal driven system (since it is easy). The first section of the website to receive this new ordering option will be the Resistant Roosters section, followed by the Bloodaxe website. If this all goes well, the Scruby figures will be added to the system (as we redesign the main website). There are just a few more kinks to work out so, I believe that we will launch online ordering around the first of December.

Ok and now on to our Thanksgiving Special. From now through midnight November 24th (that would be Saturday, so for postal orders be sure they are postmarked by midnight on Saturday, or let us know that you are sending an order by mail) all orders for Bloodaxe Miniatures will be postage free for US customers – Orders shipped to non-US addresses be shipped for a flat fee of $4.00. All figures listed on the Bloodaxe website are eligible for this offer (this includes the, now listed, pre-release WWI Germans – these will be shipped late next week).

Look for our Holiday Specials announcement on Sunday!