Quick Update…

It has been a busy time here. More due to weather than anythign else, but busy non-the-less.

In my last post, I forgot to mention our new Specials page. For now on all of our specials will be listed on a new page.
The page is Current Specials – you can find a link in the list on the right side of this page.

And now, back to the subject of weather. Weather may delay some shipping days on our end. The roads have been plenty dangerous of late, so Alison will be making fewer trips to town when the roads are snowy or icy. There have been many accidents very near here since Saturday, and a few of those have been fatal, so we are electing to stay safe – only going out when we need to (school, work, etc.). I don’t expect this to be a big hit on shipping, but just in case I thought I’d let you know that we might not ship everyday.