Resistant Roosters Listing Updates

We have started to update the Resistant Roosters figure listings…

We have begun to add the listings for single figures to the new RR pages. In addition to the singles we have listed the first of the smaller or team packs. The smaller packs are ideal for those of you who just need a few figures or just do not play Flames of War.

US Army Officer

Next week Alison will start working on new photographs for the Resistant Roosters pages. The first step will be to ‘ink’ or otherwise enhance unpainted castings for the photography session. From there she will shoot photos, edit and post the results. I expect that this will take a couple of weeks – lots of figures and photos and editing and HTML code to generate.

My current photo project is the Bloodaxe line – I have a sizable backlog of figures to shoot, edit and post. I hope to work on this tomorrow and over the weekend, so we should see some new Bloodaxe photos online next week.