New Bloodaxe Range…

Announcing the first new (2008) release for the Bloodaxe Miniatures line…

New for 2008: The Moro Rebellion

U.S. Infantry in the Philippines

It seems like forever ago that we came up with the idea for this range. Originally, we had planned to revive and expand the old Scruby 25mm range, but the more I thought about it the less I liked the idea. It isn’t that I don’t like the idea, just that 15mm felt like a better scale. To make a long story short, in conversations with Lance I brought up the idea of doing some 15mm figures depicting U.S. troops in the Philippines as well as figures to represent the Moro…

Well time goes by (Lance is working away on various projects, including the 15mm U.S. Infantry and Moro figures) and by late October 2007 Lance has completed the first batch of figures and ships them off to HistoriFigs HQ. With the end of year rush (conventions, games, orders and just everyday holiday season life) the release is pushed to early 2008.

Completed now and ready for shipment are the first figures – U.S. Infantry (mixed poses, in bags of: 8, 12 or 24). If all goes according to plan we should have a new release every other week until this batch of figures is fully released. At that pace we should have the first batch fully released by the end of February. As such, I do believe that it is now time to start thinking about how you will use these in your war games…

In other news today, more pictures have been posted to the Bloodaxe Miniatures website, so be sure to drop in and check them out.

Be sure to visit the Bloodaxe Miniatures website…