So far, so good for making a habit of painting…
Well, week two was a bit touch and go. I had started a batch of ten 25mm Russian Pandour (Bloodaxe Miniatures), but I tried using a black undercoat and I was very unhappy with the results I was getting, so about mid-week I stopped painting that batch and started prepping a new batch (of 12) for week three. This time I went back to a white undercoat…
I’ve never really had good luck with a black undercoat, but with a lot of black to be used for the figure, I thought I’d give it another try – it turned out to be a bad idea. I just was not happy with the results. Good news is that I decided to finish the figures in this batch and just mix them in with the rest.
OK, so now back to week three. This second batch of Pandour were undercoated white and they were much easier to paint. After the white undercoat was dry I started with a series of washes – red, black, sepia, brown and green. The idea was to create a set of lines, much like a coloring book. After the series of washes were applied I went back and added the proper paint colors – coloring inside the lines. After the colors were applied it was back to washes – filling in the gaps, or darkening the lines…
Now, please remember I’m not now and never have been a really good painter, but for the most part I am happy with the figures and they (at least to me) look just fine on the game table.
This unit of Pandour need 14 more figures and it will be complete (36 figures). Eleven of these 14 are on the table for painting this week. The command figures were not quite done, so they will be painted next week. At some point I’ll add another 12 figures to the unit.
While I sort of missed the mark for Week Two, I made up the lost time in Week Three – total output for Weeks Two & Three = 22 figures…
I’ve started a photo album to show the progress of my painting projects. To view more photos from my 2009 painting adventure visit my Painting Habit – 2009 photo album:
I’m still sorting out how best to take pictures with my replacement camera, so it may be a few more days before we can post some picturs of the new Resistant Roosters Winter Finns (Company HQ and Mortar Platoon)…