54mm ACW Update

Finally some forward movement with the 54mm re-mold project. We now have a total of 12 figures re-molded. Four Napoleonic (Imperials) and eight ACW. We have four more Napoleonic waiting in line for molding. The next 4 (or maybe 6) ACW are just about ready as well. We should have new molds for these 8 (or 10) by December…

Well, now back to the topic of this post, the eight newly re-molded 54mm ACW figures. The selection of figures to re-mold is more or less random. The first figures to be re-molded are those for which I have masters or patterns. When I run out of masters or patterns, I’ll look for original pattern molds and after that I’ll work with what I can find to recreate any missing figures.

Scruby 54mm Soldiers of the American Civil War:

TT-120 Confederate Infantry, 1863 campaign dress, at ease
TT-121 Confederate Infantry, 1863 campaign dress, advancing cheering
TT-171 Confederate Infantry, 1863 campaign dress, attacking
TT-186 Union Infantry, kepi, firing
TT-309 Union Infantry, advancing, fixed bayonet
TT-310 Confederate Infantry, advancing, fixed bayonet
TT-342 Confederate Officer, frock coat, pistol
9731-14 Union Infantry, kepi, advancing cheering

TT-120 - Confederate Infantry, 1863 Campaign dress, at ease

I’m working on painting up a few batches of these 54mm ACW figures for Liam (he doesn’t know, so don’t tell him). The plan is to allow a few games using some old school rules (likely based on Joe Morschauser’s rules)

TT-309 - Union Infantry, advancing, fixed bayonet

The website has been updated with 54mm figure listings and pictures will be uploaded for all 54mm figures in the next few days.

And now for a new scale. It seems that interest in vintage 20mm figures is on the rise…
Coming up next time a look at some of my 20mm collection and a rough map for a 20mm re-molding project.