Product Shuffle

First, I know, last time I said next up would be part two of the Classic 20mm series. Well, part two isn’t quite ready yet; a few more pictures and a scan or two and I should be done. Look for part two on Friday, or safer yet right after the Labor Day holiday.

We’ve recently shuffled some of our product. Since the Bloodaxe Miniatures brand is primarily billed as being budget priced 15mm miniatures we thought it best to move a couple of our 15mm offerings over to the Bloodaxe Miniatures brand.

The first of the ranges to move was our small range of 15mm livestock. Nothing fancy here, just a cow, a dog, a goat and a pig. The dog and pig are the same as those included in our 15mm Hawaiian army packs. The cow and goat are some of my first attempts at sculpting (late 70’s early 80’s).

The second range to make the move is the 15mm American Civil War. These have more or less remained hidden or perhaps more correctly lost on the HistoriFigs site. These figures are the creation of Chris Munro. They are some of his early work (I don’t have an exact time frame, but I’d estimate early to mid 80’s). I’m working on an artillery piece or two for the range, at which point the range will include most of the basic figures one would need for some ACW war gaming.

I still need to add pictures (livestock & ACW) to the Bloodaxe Miniatures website; look for pictures early to middle of next week.

That about wraps things up for the product shuffle. There have been several more updates to the HistoriFigs website, so be sure to pop over to see what is new and improved (well, at least new).