Rules Changes for Avalon Hill’s Civil War

Reproduced here is (the text of) a difficult to find and rarely seen errata card for rules updates to the Civil War game published by Avalon Hill in 1961.


A. PREPARE FOR PLAY: Both Union and Confederate players begin with 6 Pawns each – Confederate, only, may place his pawns adjacent to the North/South border line.

B. RIVER MOVEMENT: Neither player is allowed the additional movement ALONG river lines.

C. HOW TO WIN: Confederate player wins if he: (1) Avoids the Union condition of victory, or (2) Captures any TWO Union replacement centers and retains OCCUPANCY (undisputed control NOT necessary) simultaneously for the two following consecutive months.


While not an accurate simulation, this game provides a nice distraction now and again and frequently finds itself on our game table.

What’s on the Game Table

For this post we will slip back in time to December of last year (2014). My oldest son, Scott, came to spend some time over the holidays. He had never been back back to Wisconsin for a visit, so this was an extra special treat. My work schedule went a bit wonky, so I was working much more than I had planned on, but we still got to spend a bit of time together.

In addition to all the usual ‘stuff’ we were able to fit in some hours of good old war gaming. It was all board games; primarily because the game table was covered with, well lots and lots of ‘stuff’. In addition to the usual Avalon Hill classics we played Ogre (Steve Jackson Games). Ogre was on the list because of the stocking stuffers I bought for Scott and Liam; each received a copy of the pocket edition of Ogre.

Ogre Pocket Edition CoverIn High School we played a lot of Ogre, with a second round of heavy play in the late 80’s. Ogre is one of the games on my must have list, and with the pocket edition selling for $2.95 it was a must have purchase for the two boys.

I still have most of the copies of Ogre that I have purchased over the years, so I broke out my punched (cut) counters and one of my maps. We just played the introductory scenario, but had a grand time.

Ogre 1st. Editon CoverSome of the other games we played include: Civil War, Kriegspiel, Nieuchess, Strike Force One and Privateer. I wanted to get to PanzerBlitz, but didn’t manage to get it dug out until after Scott returned to California.

On the game table today we have three board games: PanzerBlitz (more on this in a future post), ZombiChess (a game Scott and I are designing – a very introductory level miniature/board game hybrid; more on this as the design comes together) and Ogre. Only this time we are not talking about the original or pocket editions, nor even the later Deluxe edition. On the table sits the mega-sized Designers Edition. Our local game shop (The Labyrinth Games) originally had two copies in stock. The first sold a few months ago, leaving one copy in the store. It was a game that I looked at every time I went in to the store. I wanted it, but didn’t at the same time. The game is a bit pricey and there were always other things to spend my gaming budget on. Well I finally broke down and decided that I should own a Designer’s Edition of Ogre.

Ogre Designers Editon

I’ve always been a sucker for games with larger sized hexes; and with no signs of improving eyesight I just couldn’t resist any longer. There are plenty of reviews on the web, and Steve Jackson Games has sold out of this edition (meaning that unless you get lucky – like me – you won’t find (m)any copies at retail), so another review is not needed. Counters are punched (well, enough for ‘standard’ Ogre scenario) and the Ogre map board is laid out on the table; Liam and I will be playing a number of games over the next few weeks and I hope that this will become a regular on the game table.

Look for more concerning the design and play-testing of ZombiChess as well as a look at my current PanzerBlitz project and even a bit about a miniatures cross-over for Strike Force One. As always there is a lot more to cover, but for now I’ll draw this to a close.

Next time an update on our publications and some shop reorganization.

Painting Horses (fast)

I always struggle when it comes to painting horses. I though they were a royal paint to cast, but maybe they are just hard all the way around. Of course some of it could just be me 🙂

Well, I know for sure that horses can be a chore to paint, and it just happens that HistoriFigs friend, Jeff Hudelson, has recently posted an article on his Project ECW blog covering how he paints horses.

Project ECW

If you have an interest in a fast painting method for horses, why not pop on over and take a look at Jeff’s posting. Maybe you will find something useful for your own projects.

Posted in ISR

“A Sergeant’s War”

A Sergeant’s War is a new set of war game rules for small unit combat in WWII written by Nathaniel Weber and available as a PDF from the Wargame Vault, priced at $11.99.

A Sergeant's WarYou might even recognize some of those US Marines pictured on the cover.

I’ve not had a change to take these rules for a spin yet, but Nathaniel has posted a nice write up over on the The Miniatures Page. so be sure to pop on over and have a read.

You will be seeing more from Nathaniel in the form of pictures; he has completed a couple of painting projects for us with at least one more in the pipeline. We will be posting pictures in the near future…



A Strategy Tactical War Game

Coming soon, very soon…

A Strategy Tactical War Game, compiled by Jack Scruby.

This will be facsimile reprint, similar to the All About War Games book in format. Only this time with a twist! The original booklet was mimeographed (as was the norm for Jack Scruby at the time). Our new booklet will have the same look, down to the yellow Mimio paper stock. I came upon a stash of Mimio paper stock and we will be suing this paper for the first print run of A Strategy Tactical War Game. In our new edition, all of the original (interior) content will be printed on authentic (yellow) Mimio paper stock, while any new content will be presented on modern (white) paper stock. The cover will be card stock and will likely vary in color – meaning we may not standardize on a single cover stock (we have lots of card stock on hand, so while spend $ when we don’t have too?).

The first prototype booklets are in hand and they look good. Our final pieces are: cover layout and an introduction to this new print edition.

No price has been set as of yet, but this booklet will come in at $10 or less shipped to US addresses (international shipping slightly higher).

In closing we would also like to let you know that the All About War Games is back! We have moved to a print on demand model for this book. As such we will be able to provide copies when needed without need to wait for sufficient demand to justify a full print run. Be sure to check out our Table Top Talk Press page for ordering information.

Lastly, look for more printed projects during 2015; Fire and Charge , and perhaps even a new printed edition of Table Top Talk, tentatively an annual publication formatted much as was the CHARGE! magazine published by Scott Mingus…

Plenty more to talk/write about, check back for more.