Blooadaxe GNW in Action

I know that I’ve mention the Bloodaxe Miniatures GNW figures a few different times in the past. I do believe that I’ve even talked a wee bit about my own GNW project that is slated to get rolling this year (April is my current plan). I may even have shown a few pictures, but not any pictures of the figures in action.

Jeff, a long time Bloodaxe Miniatures GNW war gamer, runs the Saxe-Bearstein blog where, among other things he reports on the happenings of his 18th century ImagiNation. Recently, Jeff granted permission to reuse his photos featuring the Bloodaxe Miniatures from his collection.

So, today I thought it would be a good idea to share a couple pictures from Jeff’s blog. These picture accompanied the post from 26 March 2013 and depict a war game battle fought about 7 years ago.




We hope you enjoy the pictures and will pay Saxe-Bearstein a visit when you are next looking for something new on the web.


Posted in ISR

Those in Peril : Wilbur Smith

Literary Muster – Those in Peril

Those in Peril

Despite its predictability, characters of cardboard and silly dialog, Those in Peril is a rousing thriller.College student Cayla Bannock is cruising in the Indian Ocean aboard the family yacht. She should be studying, but she’s too busy with her boy toy – the cabin boy (Rogier) – being heals over head in love, she is blind to the harsh reality that she is merely a pawn in Rogier’s grand scheme…Soon enough Cayla is held captive by Rogier and his band of pirates and is being held for a $20 billion dollar ransom.

Will this be a simple matter of Cayla’s mother, Hazel, heir to Bannock Oil Corp, paying up? Of course not, or we wouldn’t have much of a story…

Security chief Hector (Heck) Cross to the reduce! Heck organizes a crack team of mercenaries and sets out on a daring rescue mission. And of course along the way Hazel and Heck fall in love (you knew it didn’t you?).

Wilbur Smith keeps the pages turning though his non-stop excitement. Smith handles action better than most any modern author. The story may be predictable, but Smith keeps it interesting and you will find yourself turning page after page as the plot unfolds…

For the war gamer: Plenty of modern mercenary vs. pirate/ action for numerous skirmish scenarios.

Those in Peril – by Wilbur Smith
480 pages, St. Martin’s Paperbacks; Reprint edition (January 31, 2012)

Also available for Kindle:
669 KB, Thomas Dunne Books; Reprint edition (May 10, 2011)


Picture Day – 20mm World War II

A simple picture posting today…


E2-9 – German, 2-man machine-gun crew, prone

Some 20mm Germans (Suitible for Late War WWI and WWII) from my collection. Recent castings, from New molds created from Original Master figures.



E2-10 – 20mm German, 2-man anti-tank gun crew, prone

I use these figures with for small WWII Skirmish games and with old school WWII rules such as: ‘Fast Rules‘ and ‘Tractics‘.


These would match the figures used by: A.W. ‘Ed’ Saunders and Lionel Tarr in their Modern (WWII) wag games.





Original creations by:
Holger Eriksson. Once sold under the Authenticast brand, transferred to the Scruby line in the 1960’s


E2-12 – 20mm German, Infantry, helmet, prone, firing rifle



The Case for 18th Century War Games

Two. Count them, two posts in a single day!

This post came about after reading a question Why Game the SYW? posted over on the The Miniatures Page 

The Miniatures Page

I already had this short piece in my queue for posting, so I figured why not post it now? It winds up being at least somewhat topical.



by Aram Bakshian, Jr.
Table Top Talk,  September 1966

I don’t doubt for a moment that the majority of wargamers are Napoleonic buffs… I just regret it. And, at the risk of offending some of the harder cases, I am entering this brief plea for another period.

One author has called it the “century that sparkled,” and indeed it did. Militarily, it was the age of splendid uniforms, elaborate formations, ingrained spit-and-polish, and officers were usually gentlemen amateurs. Since most of us are amateurs, if not gentlemen, we have at least one automatic link with the generals of this delightful era.

The scope is tremendous. I can think of a dozen different wars offhand… there were many more. Each one was distinctly different. Battles were fought from one side of the globe to the other. Sepoys and elephants, garlic – belching Corsican mountaineers, wild pandour and grenz infantry, Cossacks and Tartars, and, of course, the mighty regular armies of Europe, each with distinctive uniforms, drill and tactics, and an assortment of generals that would rival any gallery of great geniuses and eccentrics.

Like wars on the tabletop, the real wars of this period were usually fought over trifles. No blithering about a “people’s war”; no pushy little Corsican telling Frenchmen how to be patriotic and endlessly haranguing about “la gloire” (which was, incidentally, invented under the old regime).

Perhaps the greatest tribute which can be paid the 18th century is that it gave birth to nearly all the great men and ideas of the Napoleonic era. The sleek canons of Gribeauval, the daring and imaginative use of light troops, experimentation with line and column; the list is endless.

One final irony. The British Army was the true product of the 18th century, and Wellington was the very model, of the 18th century officer and gentlemen (both his virtues and his faults reflect this). Together, they managed to trounce you-know-who rather nicely!

All this by way of arguing that information on this period would be of interest to many readers, especially after the recent massive Napoleonic over-dose!

The Soudanese Army 1881 – 1898

Today, we present a short article from March of 1964. I picked this piece, as it fits in with some of my recent reading and war game planning. The article remains as originally published, outdated terms, names and all. I did however, correct a few minor spelling errors. We hope you enjoy this short Colonial themed piece.



by Douglas Johnson
Table Top Talk, March 1964

During the period of the two Soudanese Wars (from 1881 to 1898), The Soudanese army was a conglomeration of many different types of people, all of whom were Moslems. Usually the Mahdi’s (the spiritual leader, who revolted against the Egyptians and British) generals – or Emirs – were Arabs, and each one had his own force and flag, usually solid colors such as red, black, green, etc.

Most of these native troops were armed with two short spears and one broad sword. There were some rlflemen in each regiment, but all were very poor shots. However, a British Tommy would be ln trouble if he was ever engaged in hand-to-hand fighting with these dervishes.

They had no real uniform, and wore a brightly colored jibba, a white tunic covered with colored patches. Sometimes the Arabs wore solid colored robes.

The most noted cavalry were the Baggara Horsemen, fierce men on swift horses. And not all the fighting men of the Sudan were organized in armies. By far the most famous of these lrregulars were the Fuzzy Wuzzy, who seldom had rifles. Despite this, they were experts with the sword (often these were swords left over from the Crusades!) and could only be stopped if knocked off their feet or killed outright by bullets. The Mahdi did not lack for manpower, but did lack equipment. He had only a few Gatling guns, field pieces and artillery crews to man them.